TES Analytics
Master’s Thesis
Financial modeling and business strategy
Expertise in grid/renewable energy projects
Develop tools to support grid scale decarbonization
Awarded high-distinction thesis project by Harvard Graduate School of Design + Harvard School of Engineering
Business/Systems Design
UX/UI Design
Our thesis resulted in three project deliverables centered around:
Documenting the challenge & potential of Thermal Energy Storage
The Project
TES Analytics or Thermal Energy Storage Analytics sought to evaluate and create tools for the first generation of scalable industrial electrical storage technology. The project produced tools, a business model, story telling, and proprietary data models that informed our product.
Informing policy planning essential for industrial electrification
Improving sales pipelines for TES through tailored analytics tools
Process Timeline
Development Process
Stakeholder Mapping
Understanding all sides of the thermal energy storage stakeholder landscape was critical to our process
Theory of change
We took a sociotechnical approach to creating systems level change. Introducing aspects of awareness, implementation, and policy are critical in creating the transition to scaled industrial energy storage.
Validation of economics at scale
Extensive research and modeling went into understanding the profitability of various TES installation and sizes on the grid. We found significant savings when using our tools to refine size and location characteristics.