reLEAF Therapeutics
Master’s of Design Engineering Studio 1
A comprehensive system for hand therapy treatment and adherence.
User Research
User interviews/Testing
Industrial Design
UX/UI Design
3D Modeling + rendering
3D Printing
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Working with medical field experts
Seeing work showcased in graduate school of design promotional materials
Learning from talented teammates
Team: Steven Morse, Felicia Liang, Kelsey Burhans
Project Timeline: 6 weeks
Tasked with solving a problem in the Telehealth space, our team focused on pain. Through many conversations with experts we began zeroing in on hand pain in particular as a result of surgeries and arthritis.
We interviewed numerous physicians, researchers, patients, care givers, and therapists to gain a better understanding of our problem area, resulting in the following personas, problem statements, and experience map.
The Problem/Personas
We leveraged, paper, clay, digital, and printed models to flesh out ergonomics, component fit, design for manufacturability and more. We let our imaginations fly in our initial sketching before landing on our final concept.
3D Modeling and Design for Manufacturability
With our concept ready, we began building a functional prototype that we could test with users. We successfully built out our test unit while considering ease of manufacturing and assembly.
App Demos
Our device focused on being a tool for therapists and patients alike. Our product hosted telehealth visits that leveraged a Leap Motion tracking system to record patient flexibility and progress. The corresponding app also catalogued and gamified the therapy experience, allowing users to gain "leaves" through completing exercises. Once a user amassed enough leaves, they could redeem them for trees and other items as they built out a digital therapy garden to share with others in the app community.
The final result of our project was the reLEAF ecosystem. A three part solution addressing the needs of our users. Our final presentation was given the highest grade in the course and has been showcased by design leadership at Harvard.